You are a beautiful monster, Villanelle. Monstrous people like you often feels like they have to fly solo, like they have to keep things bottled up inside them, thoughts, feelings, secrets, and that can affect their ability to be truly monstrous.
2022.07.27 很好的爱情和友谊反派虽然有点低级但整体我觉得挺好 2022.08.20 念念不忘 2022.10.08 真的是部很不错的电影过气拳击手对儿子改变阶层的期待“You nerver stopped working for me”的黑帮哲学听到枪击后缓缓躺进水里周围萦绕若有若无呼吸的画面堪称艺术“Better means guilty and rich”的行业理解多种多样付款方式里流露出的温暖闲聊扯淡蜂蜜换芥末又互换水杯的友情发展有点莫名但很美好的初见颜值巅峰期的詹妮弗加纳“每个雨滴落地有声”我想见到你的温柔扒开她的乳罩狂摸她的胸亲吻还有不穿制服帅到炸裂的本阿弗莱克……真的很喜欢这部电影不过对比2个小时可能还是不够很好也许很久以后才会再看吧